Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Shoemoney Should Do Something!

All we know about Shoemoney. Isn't it?

Shoemoney has tons of mfa pages indexed to Google via his SEO tricks.

I checked his pages, (shoemoney.com) but there is not keywords on the page. SEO Proffessional Without Keywords. That's interesting but probably there has to be something that we don't know.
But why Shoemoney don't create a web Project? Kevin has his own program but Shoemoney is still with WP blogs. He should build a web project. He can easily power up his project (traffic+pr) with his existing pages. If he build a project, he will not start with 0 traffic. So why does he wait?
In his page, i saw a "bumbzee" icon. Is it belongs to him? I don't recommend him to work a lot for this project if it belongs to him. I didn't like the choosen name. And the project is not a first idea.
He should find programmers and think about a new project while he has this power. Ok, Money is Good. But having a web site in alexa top 100 very good.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Why diggers are like that?

Why Diggers are like that?
They always say;
World's Most
Best photo ever seen
Best video ever taken,broken
Best dog ever known ??
You never seen?
I ever seen?
What does this mean?
Why diggers think that they see everything first?

How Web Stars Dress

You know, i love posting about web stars. Here is one of them.
With Internet, "Tieless" bosses launched worldwide. Making money at home and selling them to the Web Bosses made them new bosses.
Some of them did not change their fashion style, some of them changed into capitalist bosses.

Here are Top Web Stars and How they Dress

1 Sergey Brin Founder of Google. He is one of the Richest Men in the World. And the richest young man. Worldwide little entrepreneur that has 100.000 dollars are wearing Armani Suits. But Sergey Brin is still little Russian Boy.

2 Jason Calacanis He sold Weblogs Inc for 25 Million dollars to AOL.
How did his blogs grow like that?
He added more than 3 adsense ads to his pages. I think the reason is this.
Anyway, he has 25m, probably spent 5 of it, but he dress and look richer than Sergey Brin.
(But we respect to styles. Maybe he like to be serious)

3 Mahir Cagri
He was the most famous web star in the World before 5 years ago. He bought houses with the money he earned. Now we don't know where is he. He dress colourful :) He likes white socks.

4 Kevin Rose
Founder of Digg. Some of the most digged topics are very "mundane" but i like him. He is so funny at diggnation but he is good. Building a new "news site" is a miserable idea when NY Times, Forbes, Washington Post etc. are at the top. What did he do? He shared their news? Now people share news and stories, he earns. Digg a money making machine. If one they, he create, sponsored diggs at the front page of digg, he would earn a lot. Because digg.com bombs web sites that has limited bandwith.
Anyway, he is successful and rich but he dress like a younger Kevin. Yeah Kevin is my neighboor :p

4 Jeremy Schoemaker
Founder of Shoemoney.com and Varied Web Sites that has no index pages but indexed to Google. He is a successful guy he has a sweet family. He made 100.000/month from adsense according to "oldest adsense richest list" We dont know the source of this list and we don't know why there is not a new list? Anyway
What he dress?
He dress only t-shirts :)
One day WordPress t-shirt,
One day Rmx
One day Shoemoney.com
Auctions Ads etc.
He likes promotional t-shirts :)

5 Mark Zuckerberg

Founder of Facebook. What is the difference of Mark Zuckberg? Anything... It is just a social community with "kast system"
He refused Yahoo to sell facebook.
Why because he is a clever guy. Web is important today but 5 years later, Life will be Web. Google and Yahoo know this. And they pay billions to buy web sites.
Anyway, he dress how little Mark Dress...:)
He don't like wearing suits.

If Sergey Brin wore Suits, probably this list would be full of guys with suits. But their idol Brin, wears like little Brin. :p

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Top 5 underrated Web Sites

Here are my top 5 underrated web sites; (i'm sure with these)

1. Crickee

You can send sms for free. Yeah for free.
2. Caiman.us
Downloadble free "little sized" games. They are not abandonware. Made by programmers worl wide. Some of the games are very funny programmed :) (There is a huge archive)
3. Eyje.com
Eyje is a comment search engine and social network where authors discuss everything together, open topics about everything and add comments in them.
4. TylerDurdens.com
A web community that criticizes idiotic popular culture icons in the Tyler Durden's point of view. Become one of the Fight Club members and help us with the project mayhem!..
5. Search.com
Especially a great search engine for webmasters. It gives you results more than google. How? Search.com indexes also suplemental pages.

Shoemoney is Populist

owner of shoemoney.com and varied internet pages that has no index page but indexed to google. Yeah, he really know the system. He earn a lot.
But what's then?

Why are these "undefined" photos?
What to "say" ?
To say i'm happy? I'm rich so i'm everything?

If we need to summarize such like young internet riches;
They are rich because of "being like a fox" and because of the money making system.

System is very easy,
Build MFA sites,
Index them to Google
Page rank them with your existing web sites.
Then start earning.

Ohh come on. Ok , i know , Shoemoney is successful but not a genious.
He is "quick" and "clever" but this is not our point.

My point is;
He is populist. He is rich but not "very rich". So it's so funny to take photos with girls, hummers, checks and cheeks. hahahahahahha
But we have to know that, he is one of the most famous web stars.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Diggnation makes me laugh. Digg's owners are very funny!

Owners of digg take their beers with them and criticize the digged stories.
First of all?
Who are you?
2 And, what is your critic importance degree on international stories? hahahahha You are so funny. hahahhahhaaaa I'm still laughing and i can't write more hahahahaha 3
They try to behave cool. Their faces say; We're at the top. Oh come on, we are great. Let's try to behave cool, also we are very very clever. hahahahah
Let us talk some sensitive things for the diggers ( all the things that they do is lie) hahahhaha 5 We have problems with copyrights, hahahhahahaha hahahahah i can't stop myself laughing hahahahahha anyway, all i want to say that, these are the "tieless" new generation bosses caused by the new system. They couldn't make sense if they lived in previous generation. "Previous Generation?" hahahahhahaah what does it mean. I'm so funny like them hahahahaha